- rallentando or rall.:
Broadening of the tempo (often not discernible from ritardando);
progressively slower
- rapido: fast
- rasch (Ger):
- ravvivando: quicken pace
- recitativo: recitatively; one
voice without accompaniment
- religioso: religiously
- repente: suddenly
- restez (Fr):
stay; i.e., remain on a note or string
- retenu (Fr):
hold back; same as the Italian ritenuto (see
- ridicolosamente: humorously,
inaccurate, and loosely
- rinforzando (rf,
or rinf.): reinforced;
i.e., emphasized; sometimes like a suddencrescendo, but often applied
to a single note
- risoluto: resolutely
- rit.: an abbreviation for ritardando;[3] also
an abbreviation for ritenuto[4]
- ritardando, ritard., rit.:
slowing down; decelerating; opposite of accelerando
- ritenuto, riten., rit.:
suddenly slower, held back (usually more so but more temporarily than a ritardando,
and it may, unlike ritardando, apply to a single note)
- ritmico: rhythmical
- ritornello : a recurring passage
for orchestra in the first or final movement of a solo concerto or aria
(also in works for chorus).
- rolled chord: see arpeggiato in
this list
- roulade (Fr):
a rolling; i.e., a florid vocal phrase
- rondo: a musical form in which a
certain section returns repeatedly , interspersed with other sections: ABACA
is a typical structure or ABACABA
- rubato:
robbed; i.e., flexible in tempo, applied to notes within a musical phrase
for expressive effect
- run: a rapid
series of ascending or descending musical notes which are closely spaced in
pitch forming a scale
- ruvido: roughly